Our Revolutionary Age

If one were to conjure just one image to explain the French Revolution, it would be of the sheltered and self-indulged Marie Antoinette saying “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche” when told the peasants were starving. Perhaps framing it alongside an image of the peasants in the streets, desperate for food. The story is apocryphal, but it probably stands as the most enduring image of the Revolution. The decadent and indifferent ruling class on one side and the desperate peasants on the other.

Even though the story is not true, it works as an explanation for what happened in 18th century France. On the one hand, there was a ruling class that was increasingly out of touch, physically and culturally removed from the people. On the other hand, the people were evolving away from the ruling class. The growth of what we would call a middle-class was changing the nature of France. It is the psychological separation that drove the political dynamic, leading to the revolution.

It is a useful image to keep in mind as the political dynamic of this age continues to move toward crisis. A reason the ruling class hates Trump with such intensity is for them, he is one of the peasants showing up at their party. He is the dirt monster, a golem called into life by the evil Dirt People. It’s why his policy proposals and actions have no impact on them. Their hatred for Trump is not about policy, but about what he represents. He is the unguarded door to their world.

There is no better example of this chasm between the Cloud People and the Dirt People than the ridiculous charade that is the impeachment show. The foreignness of the whole thing is its main feature. Act one had a collection of people with strange names talking about strange places. Act two was obscure people from the academy. Word comes that the Democrats, the inner party of the Cloud People, will accuse Trump of treason, for the high crime of existing in their midst.

The thing is, none of this is very good theater. Instead of colorful figures presenting their case in dramatic fashion, it is weird strangers arguing on the basis of their assumed authority as rulers of the land. The cries for impeachment are every bit as entitled and self-indulgent as Marie Antoinette saying “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche.” These are people so disconnected from the rest of us, they assume things about themselves that no rational person would assume. They are hot house flowers.

In a way, it is fitting that the inner party will nominate Joe Biden as their nominee, rather than one of the minor party figures. No one on stage captures the essence of elite detachment quite like Biden. This is a man who has never had productive employment in the dreaded private sector. Instead, his back story is a collection of entertaining fictions conjured over drinks at various Washington watering holes. The story of Joe Biden is a parlor tale for the entertainment of the ladies.

It’s why Biden is always ready to challenge some restrained old fellow in the audience of his campaign events. This has been his game for decades. In the fantasy world in which Biden lives, he is a tough guy. The ladies in the salon all swoon when “Working Class Joe” breaks bad on one of the staff. That’s because these people are living in a highly orchestrated charade, in which winners and losers are determined in advance, based on criteria that have no meaning outside the Cloud.

This disconnect is why senior members of the intelligence services were happy to break many laws to spy on Trump. It’s not that they were terrified by the Dirt Monster coming to Washington. It’s that their life is a game without consequences. In the fantasy world of the Cloud People, the worst thing that happens to you is you fall off a few invite lists for holiday parties. Maybe you get a letter in your file down at party headquarters, so you can’t get that sweet White House gig you always wanted.

The much-awaited Inspector General’s report on the FBI will be a white wash, because in Cloud People land, the only real punishment is a few negative sentences in a report no one will read. Dirt People go to jail, face real hardships and have to answer for their actions. That sort of stuff is for the peasants, not the beautiful people who are defending democracy. That’s just not how things are done in Washington. If the Dirt People don’t like that, well, “qu’ils mangent de la brioche.”

This is why, by the way, the propagandists will never get in the same room with well-spoken dissidents. Ben Shapiro was pantsed by a kindly old man on the BBC, because Shapiro is incapable of defending himself in the real world. The TP-USA people were humiliated by school boys asking tough questions, because they have been cultivated to live in the hot house of Conservative Inc. None of these people would last twenty minutes on stage with one of the sharper dissidents.

This is, in part, what drives the censorship on-line. When the propagandists opened their sites to comments, they assumed everyone agreed with them. Then they found out that the Dirt People thought they were foolish and dumb. The comments were closed. The same thing happens on social media. These hot house flowers get crushed by dissenters, so they demand the sites be purged of dissenters. They are pulling the blinds down so they don’t have to look out at the peasants in the streets.

Modern America is now a revolutionary place. Like the aristocracy in 18th century France, the Cloud People are incapable of reforming themselves, because they are incapable of seeing themselves as we see them. They have become entirely divorced from the rest of us. The people who rule over us may as well be foreign occupiers, as they have no idea who it is they rule nor do they care. To them, the Dirt People all look alike, smell alike and act alike. We are not them.

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All of which means we must be prepared to pin the blame on the usual suspects in the event of an economic downturn.

The cultural preparation for much of what we are trying to do is incomplete, but everyone already hates bankers and that is our opening.

Sean Detente

Most people hate bankers, Congress, politicians, foreign brown rich people, increasingly the Juden class, just naming “bankgsters” as the rallying call is the same circle-jerk that’s been hanging around since the ‘80s; albeit in more limited nuances. There’s plenty of “openings”, the dear question is thus – are you ready to do what is needed when the time comes or are you content to sit and masturbate from the sidelines? Not trolling, it’s a serious question. Everyone always has a suggestion for what everyone else should do, but more often than not their own preparation and fortitude more resembles that… Read more »


From what I have seen – most people can’t even get the shit in their heads straight. If you can’t do that – then all of the guns , and all of the lifting- and all of the “prepping” – really won’t come to much. I am on a forum where there is a lot of talk about carrying – and self defense. Usually it revolves around which holster to use, which pistol do you carry – what caliber – etc. These are the subjects that most people seem to think are the most important when talking about self defense.… Read more »


While never in the military–was in the emergency services business for a couple decades. Mindset is important. But what I learned is that, skills aside, training and mental preparation is about making things that every natural instinct tells you not to do, become automatic. And be able overcome the brain fog and tunnel vision that adrenaline/cortisol dumps naturally create. It’s come in handy on more than one occasion.


I was in both, Infantry and 32 years fire service. Totally agree with your statement


That’s why I give myself this daily reminder:

S18, just remember:
These people want to destroy everything your ancestors built, they want all of your stuff, they want all of your money, they want you dead, they want your children as sex toys…and they think it’s funny.

That’s enough to keep me going.


Yes …. but………..

Can you visualize grabbing one of those people around the throat – and choking them until you see their eyes go dead?

Because if not – you’re not “there” yet.


Had the benefit of a ringside seat to the last crisis. The bankers are out of money and they only pulled off the “conduit” trick to save Goldman by the skin of their teeth the last time. It is always a good time to look inward and do what you can to improve your own resiliency and that of people that matter to you. Like most things it is not how good you are at predicting the future, but what skills and mindset you’ve practiced to deal with a stochastic present.


I don’t hope for much in the short term, but I do hope that I get to watch a Trump versus Biden debate. It will probably come to blows or literal dick measuring. Two overconfident, braggart Boomers going at each other would be great entertainment.

Sean Detente

Doddering NYC blowhard versus an even more doddering nursing home runaway. Geriatric blood sports? Could be fun.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country

One last Boomer throw down. I’d call it “The Thrilla in Vanilla.”


Trump will rip Biden to shreds. That part, at least, will be fun.


I don’t think Biden will end up being the Dem candidate. He’s a slow motion train wreck. If he wasn’t such a vicious old bastard I’d almost feel sorry for him as he slips into dementia in front of a national audience. Almost.


I agree, Biden ain’t going to be it. The crazies can’t wait four more years so they will have to bring in someone from the former A team. Who, I don’t know.


The Dems are intentionally throwing this election and normalizing what they’ll do in 2024 when demographics ensure they can’t lose.

Get ready for gun confiscation and thoughtcrime laws.


For me it looks like war now and battle lines are settled. Democrats may rent the Lenin corpse from Putin , run this corpse and get as much votes as Hillary did. This is all pro Trump or against Trump now.


Life and society simply don’t work reliably over a longer time frame – unless consequences are enforced for bad actions. The left constantly tries to jam “consequences” down our throats for every action they perceive as bad – but “conservatives” refuse to respond in kind. I think that’s a good part of the reason why we are at – where we’re at. I’ve argued with “conservatives” for decades now – that every single time the lefties jammed something else down our throat – some effort should have been expended to just refuse to pay for it. The typical response was… Read more »

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy

I like that attitude.
Create some city states for them.
Govern the way you want in your city states.
But we keep the food, the electricity, and the arms so we can shut your ass down if needed.
I like it.


The lefties have been howling for a while about how it’s the cities that produce all the wealth – and “do all the work”. Recently there was even some turd in CA that was calling anybody who lived out in the country a dumb turd.

Well let’s prove that theory out.

Disconnect the cities from the country. Disconnect them from the tax base (that includes the suburbs) – and make them survive on their own.

Then we can find out who’s full of shit – and who isn’t.

Sperg Adjacent
Sperg Adjacent

Punishment is the key.

Note that the left uses both legal and illegal methods to try to punish its opponents.

But the “conservative” uses neither legal nor illegal means to punish!

Doesn’t basic common sense predict how that will work out?

But that’s the NAP in action–libertarianism (= 2019 “conservatism”) being just political eunuchism.

A big part of Our Thing is winning people over to the AP.

Da Booby

So-called “conservatives” are conditioned to believe they can’t win and pursuing punishment is futile. In academia leftists can use violence, death-threats, shouting down, whatever means they wish, and they get away with it. If a conservative so much as uses the wrong word in the wrong context he gets punished. But since they’re all “cloud people”, as Mr. Z calls them, they don’t know that that’s not really reality. It’s campus reality. They don’t know that other realities exist. Unfortunately, this has been going on for so long that campus reality has metastasized to the greater polity. To the courts,… Read more »


A clever combatant gets various factions of his enemies to punish each other, while avoiding such a thing on his own side. We need to get batter at that sort of thing.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country

If we had a political groups, I’d use some of the money to fund Dems like Omar of MN who push back against the man behind the money. She hates us, but she’s useful.


For all the posturing here as 4GW adepts, if truly we were then this comment on basic divide and conquer would have 20 upvotes.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country

We always assume the Dems are held together by their hatred of whites. This is only half right. They’re also held together by one source of money which keeps them on message.

Provide alternative sources of funding and you will cause all kinds of problems.


Getting your enemies to waste each other is almost certainly the A-Number One path to real victory.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country

A couple of million dollars could cause chaos in the Dem party. (TPTB) run the show over there because they control the purse strings for election campaigns and think tanks.

Start funding black, Hispanic and Muslim candidates who are willing to speak the truth about who runs the show in overwhelmingly Dem districts and the Dems have a major problem.

Carl B.
Carl B.

Tucker had some ‘Rat on the other night and they both agreed that both political parties needed to shed their Wall St./Banker Cabal financiers for their particular party to have success with the populist wave.

It’s a short step from “Wall St./Bankers to (((The Chosen.)))


Two thoughts:
Before we had income taxes, we had roads, bridges, schools, colleges, hospitals, charity, an Army and a Navy.

Bigger: if we run away, they’ve taken territory.
That constitutes a war victory- for them.

Albino Walrus
Albino Walrus

every single time the lefties jammed something else down our throat – some effort should have been expended to just refuse to pay for it What exactly do you have in mind? Once the spending has been voted in, unless it can be repealed (which there are never seemingly enough votes for…) it seems that we are left with a choice between a bunch of bad options: more taxes, more debt, printing money, or debt default. The best idea I can come up with is a way to get only the SUPPORTERS of the spending to pay for it. That… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country

Well, let’s be honest. A major ((contingent)) – certainly, the most powerful contingent – of the ruling class never considered themselves a part of us. They are now and always were foreign occupiers.

What changed over the past 50 years is 1) they took complete control via money and the media and 2) those who once considered themselves a part of our people no longer do. Either way, American whites no longer have any representation among our rulers. Indeed, we are particularly hated and despised. Plan accordingly.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney

Speaking of honest talk and that major contingent, Sunday’s FTN show about impeachment was outstanding.


The continuation of the ever present whitewash. Day in. Day out. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Theses aren’t the droids you’re looking for. Relegating the powers that be in the cloud to enumerated powers only will go a long way in returning liberty to the dirt people. The States will be forced to pick up the slack. Self government functions better on a smaller scale. As in autonomous State and local governments allowing for greater self governance. Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?


The big difference between now and the French Revolution is the French peasants didn’t have 400,000,000 guns. Of course they also didn’t have tens of millions of Africans in France either.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country

True. But the French government (either state or federal) didn’t have a couple of million cops and military personnel whose salaries and pensions relied on the government remaining in power.


Correction. The salaries of those millions of cops and military personnel rely on A government in power, not THE government in power.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country

When your and your family’s welfare are on the line, you’ll stick with what you know. I live in the DC area. Trust me, these guys have a big steak in keeping the government afloat.


So bleed it in a way they can’t do anything about.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy

Let them feel the pain of crony capitalism downsizing like the rest of the peasants out here!
The cloud people need to eat some dirt!
We have been eating it with low wages and health and education cost inflation and no cushie pensions.
The pitchfork people are coming for them eventually and sooner than later.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man


Saw your comment after I commented. Yours more succinct and therefore better.


The number of law enforcement personnel in the US looks like it’s in the range of 1.1 million. UPS employs something like 440,000 people in the US. FedEx employs about 425,000 Why does this matter? Because after Broward County “law enforcement” shot up the UPS truck and killed the driver – if all of the local UPS and Fedex employees had responded in kind and showed up down at the local Broward County Sheriff’s headquarters and shot the shit out of the place – they would still have made a pretty big dent. Plus the Sheriff’s Department wouldn’t be getting… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country

Oh, they can be defeated, maybe even easily, by a serious white push back. I’m just saying that you shouldn’t expect them to side with us at first. They have too much to lose.

It’ll only be when they see they their pension might not be so safe or that they might not be so safe that they’ll have second thoughts.


Good point! France is presently in the throes of a major transportation strike over the issue of pension reform. One interesting aspect is that the Ministry of the Interior has assured the gendarmarie (the French national police) that their pensions will not be affected. There are, however, a number of police organizations that are disaffected with the way French police are treated. The number of French police suicides are quite high. I don’t see a similar trend at the moment in the US, but it could be a game changer. Imagine a police strike, or a police mass demonstration in… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country

Be interesting to see how the white police respond when more and more of their job is enforcing openly anti-white laws. Maybe they’ll just think of their salaries and pensions and do their job, but it would wear on you.

Especially, if you’re fellow whites start to shun you and call you the traitor that you are.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator

I have several ‘friends’ who are fed agents & cops. They follow orders because like all good attack dogs they are conditioned & trained to do so over long periods of years. You won’t see much critical thinking from that crew until the wheels are REALLY off and they themselves are in danger.

Most will gleefully trigger pull on whoever they are ordered to do so to, there is a great deal of historical precedent for this BTW. Not as much for trigger pullers refusing to carry out amoral / unlawful orders.


Let’s see: (1) Ruby Ridge: White cops / feds had no problem murdering white woman and white infant. The white rank and file cops / feds did nothing to support Randy Weaver or whites in league with him. The white rank and file cops / feds did nothing to bring their profligate colleagues to justice. Let us not forget that it was a liberal white lawyer who did a hell of lot more for Randy Weaver than almost anybody else. (2) Waco: White cops / feds had no problem burning, incinerating, and murdering scores of white woman and children. The… Read more »

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort

Apex; Often you’re right. But not always. Most revolutions are triggered by a preference cascade against the amoral/unlawful orders by the few armed troops *on the spot* that spreads. Can be passive as in the cossacks letting the commies crawl away under their horses instead of sabering them as ordered in March of 1917. Or semi-active as in Yeltsin being given a tank to ride against the KGB in 1990. Or active such as in Romania in 1989. That first act of mutiny can be the detonator. But the bomb doesn’t go off unless the accelerant charge goes off next.… Read more »


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: remind your NormieCon relatives that “The Blue” they’re so big on backing will be the ones doing the “coming and taking” when the time comes.

Cops are not our friends.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man


Good point on the military and cops. Feeding your family ranks high in decent men’s minds.

Less wargaming about how to fight the police and soldiers with plucky yeoman partisans and more hypothetical exercises on how to gain control of the paychecks.

Reframe the battle space.

Yes, most cops and soldiers will reluctantly crack down on friendly dissidents because they need to support their families and extend their loyalty to their comrades on their right and left shoulder.

Become the paymaster or de facto authority and they will gladly crack down on your opponents whom they likely despise.

Albino Walrus
Albino Walrus

On the military, my concern is that — even if the individuals in the military are personally sympathetic to the DR cause — they will be scared that failing to follow orders, especially in a civil war type scenario, could get them not just fired but also court-martialed, or even taken aside and shot for treason. I’m imagining a hypothetical scenario where President AOC orders the police/military to go to each person’s house and sign a Firearms Disclosure under penalty of perjury, and then confiscate all disclosed firearms. Then, if you disclosed zero firearms and later turned out to have… Read more »

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort

Albino; Could happen a lot sooner if the Rino’s in the Senate try something shifty. And you don’t need more than a dozen or so armed guys on the spot at the time to trigger a preference cascade if they think that their buddies all think the same way they do. We had a few apt aphorisms back in the day about this. – *Do not* issue an order if you’re not pretty damn sure that it will be obeyed. – When in doubt, ask the senior NCOs. – If one armed trooper say BS to your order, he’s in… Read more »

Albino Walrus
Albino Walrus

Right, I agree that if everyone flips out all at once and says “fuck this”, the government would be unable to enforce its will. On the flip side, if the Left can pick off its enemies slowly/one by one, the Left wins. And, no surprise, this is how the Left works. Small changes to the law each year which eventually add up to big changes. More immigration each year which eventually adds up to huge percentages of the population. And revenge/retaliation against individuals and companies that dare to take any sort of Right point of view. Sometimes the Left is… Read more »


the French peasants didn’t have 400,000,000 guns.

TBF, neither did the French army, but a good illustration of how guns don’t make revolutions, people do.


And it is the middle class that starts revolutions, not the poor. Look at Hong Kong, Brexit, and France today. Look at Tiananmen back in the day, and Iran in 1979. Always the middle class.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country


Agreed. That’s why I’ve always said that the invasion of middle and upper-middle class neighborhoods, schools, local politics and workplaces by Asians and Indians will help us far more than the invasion of working-class areas by Mexicans.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator

Ahh yes the proverbial ‘mountain of guns’. Strangely, they are all still collecting dust or sitting well-oiled and unfired. Funny that… not trying to be obtuse but this ‘muh mountain of guns’ thing is sort of tired because it goes along with ‘muh constitution’ and all the rest. You need the -courage- to take action 10000% more than the weapon. That is severely lacking and I’m starting to doubt that there is any transgression grand enough to ‘light the spark’. Men of a different era wouldn’t have tolerated even half the shyte we’ve endured and I hear only crickets. What… Read more »


In my lifetime I have witnessed several acquaintances who have either married into the Cloud People Society, or have clawed their way financially into its orbit. Their behavior has undergone a concomitant change, as well. They are like the astral elves in LOTR who walk about majestically robed and speak in beatific tones about the need for tolerance of other cultures and vigilance against environmental damage. These people are not even aware of how food gets to their table.


I live in both worlds and managing the cognitive dissonance often makes your head hurt. One has to remain very, very compartmented.

John Smith

LOL. I was banished from a family just like that. As I was getting cycled out the airlock, I told them all that if they thought a Trump was bad… “just wait until you see the next guy! He will make Trump look tame! It will be you guys that put him in office too!” The look on their faces was fear. And then I went swooshing out into The Void to become a nonperson. I managed to catch a ride on a passing spaceship crewed by deplorables, dissidents, racists, antisemites, and other black hearts and turdies… and I learned… Read more »


You should have told them : ” Trump is your own damn fault – YOU put him into office “. That usually gets them shrieking and howling: “Wha? What are talking about !?” “Look you dipshits – YOU put Trump into office. It’s VERY simple. Pretty much ANY other candidate except Hillary would have made the majority of Republicans and/or conservatives go back to sleep and vote for one of other 12 useless turds that were clogging up the Republican primaries back then. But you had to go and nominate Hillary. And she had to go do what Hillary does… Read more »

John Smith

LOL – That’s exactly what got me thrown out the airlock, as a matter of fact! 🙂 If I had lied, or been mistaken they wouldn’t have given me the time of day. They would have just smiled and ignored it. It was the fact that it was true – and they knew it was true. They all do. The civil war, when it comes… I think, if we’re lucky – will be remarkably short. As our blog host notes, those people live in an artificial environment that is very costly and maintained – by the exact same people they… Read more »


I never thought I would say this, but here it is: Thank God for Mrs. Bill, then, if she was the boil that demanded lancing. She finally performed a public service for her country, after all her years harridaning her way through life and the jobs she got only because of her husband’s Arkansas used car dealer shtick, which to my despair weaved its successful spell in the nineties.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country

I live in the DC area. What amazes me is the openness of the disdain that the Cloud People show toward Trump and flyover whites, particularly southern whites. They will call Trump supporters idiots, racists, women-haters or worse in a gathering of 20 people or more. They either can’t comprehend that some of those people voted for Trump or they don’t care. Either way, it shows how sure they are that we’re defeated. If I said one thing against Hillary or Obama, their heads would explode (I know because I have) but they have zero fear of retaliation for trashing… Read more »


Re: Their heads would explode………….. You’re not exaggerating. I’ve told this story before – but it bears repeating to back up your point. During the run-up to the election before Obama’s 1st term in office – a number of us were sitting around the lunch table at work discussing who we were going to vote for. One of my co-workers – who was well known for being a leftie – sat down as we were talking and asked “so who is everybody voting for in the election?” . When it got around to me – I responded with ” I… Read more »


My rationale, too. Plus I couldn’t bring myself to cast a vote for McCain or Romney

Apex Predator
Apex Predator

I take your point, but the analogy is not the best because the high elves of LOTR actually -were- the noble and more superior race in both looks & virtue. Men were categorically and objectively lesser and more rapacious and greed driven. Our situation is the polar opposite of that, but the vast gulf between the race of men and the first elves I understand. (just flip the virtue leaning) That being said, like Citizen of a Silly Country I rub elbows daily with the most egregious social climbers & strivers due to me being squarely positioned in the heart… Read more »


My point is that those miscreants THINK they are like those wise, unearthly elves.


I’m sorry to harp on this point, but you men absolutely must get your women under control. It’s always women insisting on “love is love,” or “be nice,” or “toleration.” It’s always women bringing their kids to drag queen story hour, or telling you how nice their gay friends are. It’s women that buy into those commercials featuring the perfect blend of the White and the others at every gathering (funny; we went out to dinner with friends the other night and a large contingent of Han came in and went into one room together – no diversity there; two… Read more »


It’s been clear for some time that the Democrat Party (and not a few Republican partisans) represents foreign interests over American ones. Liberal immigration from foreign lands, post-national pretenses, a global tax on Americans’ energy use (aka Climate Change Action), a bleed-out of American jobs to foreign competitors, promiscuous courting of foreign student applicants for university admissions that rightly belong to American citizens first, and generous foreign aid regimes are just a few of their promised give-aways to their foreign clients. And, after twenty-plus years of taking foreign bribes from some very tough people, they now have to deliver. The… Read more »


Bill Barr’s DoJ just indicted 8 people for illegally laundering foreign money into Democratic Party coffers.


Barr appears to be serious about tackling corruption in our government. I expect the (((Horowitz))) report to be a white wash. The Durham report will be far more complete. Together they will provide the evidentiary foundation Barr needs to appoint a Special Counsel.


News of Barr’s indictments should be gladly received. Public hearings that broadcast the price at which the Democrats have sold-out the nations’ citizens will go a long way towards rectifying much of what’s wrong in America today.

Silver lining? Since the Mueller hearings brought many of these players out into the open, his dead-end inquiry might wind up serving an important ‘fly-paper’ role for Barr’s work going forward.


And speaking of immigration, the M-word is being spoken by a North Carolina congressional candidate.


At the same time, the government of India appears to be getting ready to try to run off the country’s Muslims. NIce to see that some peoples’ survival instincts are still intact.


Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort

Interesting theory. Sadly it organizes into a congruent fact pattern, and it *would* explain this baffling bit of transparently amateur theatrics.


One thing people always puzzle about in history is how ruling classes could just continue on despite clear and convincing evidence (in retrospect) of how seriously sideways things were going–and why they failed to take relatively simple steps to correct for the problems. Ditto for F-500 companies that effectively failed. Well everyone is getting a real life lesson. Will things crater tomorrow or a year or ten years from now? Who knows? These things are like Hemingway’s observation on bankruptcy..”gradually, then suddenly”. Who would have figured some fruit vendor torching himself in North Africa would lead to governments collapsing? Stay… Read more »


A reason the ruling class hates Trump with such intensity is for them, he is one of the peasants showing up at their party.

Once a week or so, Louis XIV would open the gates of Versailles to let the local peasantry witness their ruler eating lunch and gawk at the opulence of his abode.


G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy

I had the opportunity to listen to a 98 year old farmer from the Midwest this past weekend.
His striking words were.
“We will do nothing until we are hungry”
The peasants were hungry in 1789 France.
We are not, yet.
Until some real pain comes our way and not just from some bug eyed cloud person staring at us through our tv screen.
Nothing will happen.

Carl B.
Carl B.

We will do nothing until we are hungry

The Babe
The Babe

When we talk of out-of-touch elites, I know that the mind naturally settles on leftists and the Parenthesees.

But let’s not forget the out-of-touch (or maybe just bought-and-sold) Republicans, often white, who are still pushing for more immigration, both elite and Amerindian. This despite Trump, despite Tucker, despite the rise of the alt-right and nationalism.

They’re like those mosquitoes so desperate to suck your blood that they disregard their own safety as they fasten on your skin.

Like the mosquitoes, these traitors have to be squashed.


And I do not trust the ones in the Senate to vote to acquit Trump.


My GOP senator (red state) recently co-sponsered a bill to prioritize and streamline the flow of Syrian refugees into our country.

I’ve called his office about this before and I called them again this morning to point out that the fact that a Saudi brought here to train with our soldiers and killed a number of them shows that we have no ability to vet immigrants and the bill should be abandoned.


When your phone calls have as much of as impact as his (((funders))), let me know.


One of the reasons the cloud people have perpetual rule is because the red and blue dirt people are okay with their own side’s cloud people. They fall for the fake election narratives spewed out every four years. It is the other team’s cloud people that are evil. Thus, the revolutionary anger has a ceiling of 50% of the population.


My fellow peasants haven’t felt enough pain. Armed uprisings are places with people living in mud huts and dirt floors. Basically with nothing to lose.

Not to say there isn’t a festering anger amongst white populations. The French with their yellow vest crusade has shown signs of whites reaching the breaking point.

For now Legacy Americans will continue to keep working obscene amounts of hours and not seeing much beyond their front bumper.

Globohomo owns the narrative and Americans can’t see who’s truly responsible for their misery. Instead they’ll just take it out on the next person in traffic.


It’s actually not the hungry who rebel. 18th century France and 19th century Russia were actually beginning to recover from their economic malaise. But they faltered and the people feared that the bad times would return. We not only have to experience hunger, but we must fear its return.


Marie Antoinette’s quip may be apocryphal but (i) brioche was, unlike today, much cheaper than regular bread; and (ii) it is easy to forget that histories (and quips) are written by the “victors.” “Time and time again, American history books, even the ‘old’ Catholic textbooks, make Marie-Antoinette (1755-1793) the scapegoat to justify the horrors and excesses of the French Revolution, which, after all, was only a more radical French version of our own American Revolution that ‘liberated’ the people from the evils of monarchy. “In fact, it was because Marie Antoinette was aristocratic, generous-hearted, and courageous that she became the… Read more »


A great example of how the “narrative” can be more powerful than the truth. Our main stream media depends on continuing this sort of thing.


Good post! Some of the recent scholarship that I’ve read indicates the “French Revolution” started more as a coup d’etat than a spontaneous rebellion. Louis XVI was aware of the problems and was trying to make refoms, but was blocked by other factions of French society. In general, monarchies such as the Bourbons, the Hapsburgs, the Romanovs, or the Hohenzollerns probaby had more genuine concern for the people of the areas they governed (although they often made misguided decisions–World War I) than the present Washington-New York-Hollywood-Silicon Valley elite has for the rest of the American people.


Excellent comment. Not only are histories written by the victors, but the point about the Queen “becoming the target” of the revolutionaries. We see the same thing today, with who the SJW attempt to freeze and polarize and eliminate the target du jour.. The problem is it works – time and time again. People generally are stupid and malleable. That’s a problem without a solution, but one we need to learn to work with.

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort

Great point. The French aristocrats became despised/delegitimized.

‘Epstein didn’t kill himself’ must be put up everywhere.


However, Marie Antoinette has been an excellent mentor to today’s ruling class. American peasants have disposable income, well-stocked supermarket shelves, and entertainment-on-demand that includes 7/24 propaganda. By no means would I want to instigate a devastating depression or cataclysmic war, but that’s usually the necessary precursor to cultural or political revolution. In the meantime our dissident minority doesn’t need to “doomsday prep” as much as cultivate robust resiliency and separateness. We don’t just need more gardens and guns – we need audacious resolve. We’ve thrashed out what we DON’T want: we don’t want to be subsumed into the downward cultural… Read more »


The French were mostly not starving. There was competition between various constituencies on taxes, tariffs, and benevolences from the powers that be. Some poor harvests made things worse. What seemed to push things over the edge was the sense that everyone was able to have and express an opinion, and people learned how to form up mobs to push things their way. The rest of it seemed to follow the script laid out by rule of the strongest, as expressed in the streets and “public opinion”. Sound familiar?


The “prosperity” is largely an illusion being upheld by central banks printing money. If we could not print money to import consumer goods, we would probably be a lot poorer.
When the status quo changes, it is going to change very quickly. Our entire way of life is dependent upon thousands of cargo ships docking at our shores to give us the stuff we cannot make anymore. Even our home-grown food is highly reliant on foreign imports.


My younger son is a nice guy – and he is just not into the political or race-aware talk my husband and I and our older son engage in. However, I reminded him the other day (he generally likes kids and I adore them – but I glare at the non-White ones and he chided me for this) – every one of those little brown or yellow kids he sees is a direct challenge to him and his brother and any progeny they may hope to have. Every single one of them is taking a White child’s spot at university… Read more »


Please tell me I’m not the only one who hopes this analogy gets played out to the same conclusion. When we finally see guillotines set up in the Imperial Capitol I will feel that the dissidents have finally won. Of course, we can stop the analogy at that point…


I’ll settle for a couple real-life versions of The Murray Franklin Show


Many of those sent to the guillotine in the French Revolution couldn’t even comprehend why they were going there. We have the advantage of understanding what those in DC don’t. We have the opportunity to rid ourselves of our normalcy bias. We have the opportunity to prepare for pretty much any outcome. We have the ability to look at things for what they are, and to understand and internalize the current instability. Success goes to those who are both prepared and who are also flexible. Things aren’t going to play out on the basis of anyone’s plans or expectations.


I wonder what will be the spark in the US that causes mass protests. Like in Chile, where raising the subway fare was the last straw. I’m not expecting revolution or civil war, but something more than the Tea Party.


The spark, if people can pull themselves away from the TV and restaurants, could very well be when the “feckless old ladies” of the GOP, and they are legion, vote with the Democrats to convict Trump. Most of the elite Senate Republicans have wanted him out ever since he took office. And that Alabama governor whom Trump drug to victory just sent a real “feckless old lady”, based on everything I’ve read about her, to the Senate to convict him when he could have sent Doug Collins to defend him. I don’t know how Trump gets anything done since he’s… Read more »

Al from da Nort
Al from da Nort

Georgia, but your point stands.

james wilson

This will not happen. Their dreams are their dreams but their nightmares play their own voters. There may those who wish to retire anyway and make new friends but they are a fraction of the numbers needed.

james wilson

Subway fares in Chile have nothing to do with last straws. This is an Antifa type op backed by Allende types who are looking to recreate Allende 11. Nothing more. Chile is the only well functioning Spanish speaking country in SA.


Their whole worldview is a lie. That is why they cannot allow us to talk to people. We’re right and they know it. They are so afraid that people will show up, hear us and walk away a new convert no matter what they say. If they could best us in a debate, there would be a lot of dissident debates.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)

A better analogy of what’s going on today is not the French Revolution but Indian Rebellion of 1857 during the last days of the East India Company (EIC). Just like India under the boot of the EIC, the west is now run by global corporations who are completely unaccountable to the public, but yet they have huge influence over government through the use of lobbies and financial backing of the ruling class. Even here in Europe, and probably in a similar way in the US, just like the EIC did to the locals in India, western governments continue to suppress… Read more »

Yves Vannes

If you have an opportunity to mingle with our ethereal rulers you will notice that a small handful rule over the rest by fiat. Not all of them Chosenites. Outside of this small group the rest are deadwood. Many are so pickled with pills and booze it’s amazing clownworld has made it this far. Others are simply frivolous in the same way useless members of royal houses are frivolous and useless. But that small group who do rule their milieu are an amoral vicious group. Their protective army are the very people who should be standing shoulder to shoulder with… Read more »


Revolution yes, but not like the past. Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot etc did not personally kill or imprison tens of millions of innocents. They all acted through a corp of Jackboot thugs in government service, and contrary to popular belief, most of these Jackboots were ordinary men conditioned to follow orders from on high. That is their plan for here as well. The Cloud People want us to war amongst ourselves (patriot vs LEO decimation) thereby allowing them easy cleanup after the smoke clears. A different paradigm in needed. Not a mob in the street, but a laser aimed… Read more »


Once again, Zman = Fantasy Slayer. Very succinct and clear. Thank you.

Of Dissenters (are we a formal noun?), what are the options in light of this post?
Ignore the Cloud People? No, very real consequences in meat space for trying to go your own way.
Engage the Cloud People, and their system? As adjunct strategy, perhaps.
Resist the Cloud People, and their system? My heart says yes. I believe they will start it, or we will. But I know we’ll finish it.

There is wreckage coming, regardless of what trajectory this mess takes.


Great points. I’m with option 3, and given our relatively unorganized and small number I’d say the resistance has to start with civil disobedience and an embargo on woke culture. Secession, household by household, morphing into community resistance. And the Church needs to end the era of liberal compromise and idolatry of nation-state … a strengthened, confident, masculine church culture should be leading from the front in efforts to revitalize community. Think Nehemiah.


Amen and amen. I like the word “embargo”, Capt. Compounding small decisions and small behaviors, to reject modernity. God, family, neighbors…then the rest.


Embargo is a good word. It reminds me of all the Nice White Ladies at my sons’ Christian schools – who still took their kids to Disney movies and taught them that race wasn’t real. That garbage needs to cease – household by household, marriage by marriage.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth

The problem with Joe Biden is that he outlived his constituency. Some naive Rosie the riveter type in an inner 50’s era suburb, who spent her career in a union job paying $7.00 a month in health premiums. Over 90% of them are gone now, and the rest are hanging by a thread. He has to rely even more heavily on the Shenequas who “ain’t got time.” In the internet age it’s just harder to keep that con going. “Working class joe” with the biggest house in Delaware shuttling around on private jets. Dan Rather never would have covered it… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth

While the chances are slim to none, a conviction and removal of Trump by Congress would hasten what’s coming. And Trump would wave the bloody shirt on his way down. Although much of his constituency would go into insulin shock before reaching the town square with pitchforks. At the very least the circus will be in town all winter. And Trump will be ring master no matter the outcome. The 2020s are coming in like a lion. The new decade approaches. The decade of consequences.


“Wages have stagnated and while equity markets have risen, fewer U.S. adults are invested in the stock market than in 2009. Compensation for chief executive officers in America’s largest firms is now 312 times the annual average pay of the typical worker, compared with about 200 times in 2009, 58 times in 1989 and 20 times in 1965, according to a 2018 report by the Economic Policy Institute.”

JR Wirth
JR Wirth

And our life expectancy has been in actual decline for three years now. The first time since the Spanish flu epidemic of 1918. No other statistic screams that we’re in trouble like this one. In another era it would be front page news. In this era it’s a boring stat.


“it probably stands as the most enduring image of the Revolution” And then you google noyades… I don’t think Trump is dirt people. His father was a millionaire, he’s a billionaire, he knows everybody in new york politics and golfs with ex presidents, he’s just not inner circle cool kid. He’s like the new kid in school who was cool at his old school but it isn’t quite accepted. Now he’s hanging out at the cool kids malt shop and they want him removed. Lately I see the whole politics/business world as a clique. They’re people with individual power playing… Read more »