q4w: The Door Dilemma

Door #1 - All the men who 100% satisfy you, but you don't satisfy them.

Door #2 - All the men who you 100% satisfy, but they don't satisfy you.

No other doors. Which one?

Door #1

Door 1
  • These men satisfy you mentally, but you aren't able to satisfy them mentally. (If Applicable)
  • These men satisfy you physically, but you aren't able to satisfy them physically. (If Applicable)
  • These men satisfy you spiritually, but you aren't able to satisfy them spiritually. (If Applicable)

Door #2

Door 2
  • You satisfy them mentally, but you aren't fully satisfied by them mentally. (If Applicable)
  • You satisfy them physically, but you aren't fully satisfied by them physically. (If Applicable)
  • You satisfy them spiritually, but you aren't fully satisfied by them spiritually. (If Applicable)

Satisfy means you'll/they'll be fully satisfied in whatever way imaginable. Either you'll be fully satisfied and your chosen one will not be. Or they'll be fully satisfied and you will not be.

No deflections by saying "if their satisfied then I'm satisfied" BS. If their satisfied, then you can not be satisfied based on the rules.

Don't BS, or try to slither your way out of picking a door. Pick one, and stand by it.

My prediction:

I predict the responses to this post to primarily be S.A.D, as most women on here will want to avoid seeming selfish and self-centered by choosing #1 and being 100% satisfied, while leaving their partner not satisfied. They will say things like, "I will do my best to satisfy them, and it is up to them to leave or stay". This type of answer is a way for women to avoid responsibility and accountability. But door #1 also means that the man is more likely to cheat, not climax, etc. I predict the women to avoid answering with a simple 1 or 2; likely with a both or none.

[ Edward Collier's NewWorldAddress.com City: Orlando Thu Dec 26 2024 16:02:46 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) ]