SpaceX and NASA Contracts

Spacex/NASA contracts details

(Remember, Musk is entangled with the Moonlanding Hoaxers aka NASA) Elon Musk is a scammer and a fraud. Donald Trump may be a mastermind by placing Elon in direct conflict of interests. How? Because Spacex and NASA has many deals; which all are federal deals. When it is discovered how much money the US has sent to NASA—billions upon billions, and the Rand Pauls of the world find out the ROI the US seen from fake moon landings, and spacex fake trips to ISS, etc. Elon will have to resign and fold.

The fraud will be exposed. The light will cleanse the US. Transparency will make roaches, rats, and parasites flee.

Key Contracts

[ Edward Collier's City: Orlando Thu Dec 26 2024 18:38:26 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) ]